Can you believe these embarrassing cat stories? #CatPaw

This post is sponsored by cat Paw (aff link), a fun toy by Wicked amazing toys for adults, kids and cats!

Each cat Paw toy makes two cat sounds – a meow or a roar – when you pull the trigger. They are a fun toy for kids, a way for adults to goof off, and a hilarious way to surprise your cats. If you’d like to win a free cat Paw toy, keep reading!

Cat Paw is all about fun, so I thought I’d share these four embarrassing cat stories in honor of national cat Day. If you have a cat, I’m guessing you may relate to some of these. Please share your best cat stories in the comments!

Michael Cervin and his cat Jasper

Michael Cervin said his 1-year-old cat Jasper has a bit of an embarrassing habit.

“Jasper will occasionally jump on the bed, you know, when my partner and I are using the bed for sex,” he said. “Not embarrassing for him I don’t think, but frankly no one wants a cat, or dog for that matter, to stare at you.”

He did find a solution to the problem, though.

“The louder we get, the less time he stays on the bed.”

(Also, check out the x-rated moves of the other cat pictured behind Jasper!)

Kim Pezza and her kitten Poe

Kim Pezza recently adopted a kitten named Poe, who is about 4 months old. She calls him a very cute, black tortie with one embarrassing trait:

“For such a little package, he is a big gas tank,” she said. “When someone picks him up, they have a 50/50 chance of extra aromatics accompanying him.”

So far, Poe has not shown any health problems or worms, Pezza said. This has everyone stumped.

“And does he stink when it does happen!” hun sa. “I’m about ready to hand apology cards out at the door as people come in, and put a warning sign on my little guy!”

Linda D. and her cat Olive

Linda D. and two of her pals used to rent an apartment from a “very sweet, almost innocent, Christian, old man, about 75.”

One day, she said the man came to fix their broken refrigerator.

“When he finished, he left really quickly, almost rudely, which was not at all like him,” she said. “We got a letter the next day asking us to move. We were shocked and confused until I looked behind the fridge.”

There, her cat Olive had been gathering used condoms out of the garbage – “for a long time” – and “there was a ton of them back there.”


“The landlord must have thought we were insane!” hun sa. “We moved out quietly.”

Joy Schneider and her cat Bert

Joy Schneider refers to her cat Bert as a menace.

“Every day he is into something new and causing trouble,” she said. “He eats his own cat toys, steals from the dogs, jumps on the table during meals, just food obsessed.”

[quote_center]”Every day he is into something new and causing trouble.”[/quote_center]

When Bert is not chewing stuff up or eating, he is trying to escape into “the terrific outdoors.”

Last may after Schneider returned from a pet-blogging conference, she said she left her “swag bag” filled with dog treats and other goodies on the floor.

“Within fifteen minutes, Bert had chewed a good-sized hole in the bag and was working at getting treats out of it,” she said. Her dog Emma let Bert know it was not his, but he did not care.

“He would die before giving up anything edible!”

She said she also left a big, femur bone wrapped in plastic on the counter, which Bert “managed to carry to the floor and rip open.”

He also found a dog-training treat/product called a Lickety Stik, carried it around and bit holes in it “leaving stain droppings all over the carpet.”

You can read more about Bert and his dog pals at

More about cat Paw from

The cat Paw from Wicked amazing toys is a fun little toy you can use to surprise your friends, co-workers or even your cat. The toy comes in four different colors – white, orange, black and calico – and they make two realistic sounds, a meow and more of a “roar” when you pull the trigger to activate sound and movement.

The cat Paw is available at K-Mart, toys R us and Amazon (aff link).

How you can win a free cat Paw

If you would like to win a free cat Paw toy to surprise a pal or maybe even your cat, all you have to do is leave a comment to let me know. I will choose two winners through a random drawing Tuesday Nov. 4. must have a U.S. mailing address to win.

OK, now I want to hear your best cat stories!

Also, don’t forget to sign up for my email list to receive my best content before everyone else. You’ll generally hear from me every other Tuesday.

Author: tynqr

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